“Every moment I get, I try to do my best!”
|Natasha Tanya (Left) with Zoe Hopkins, Homeless World Cup and with the South African team. Images: HWC
Natasha Tanya represented South Africa at the African Street Football Cup
Meet Natasha the dancing goalie from Oasis in South Africa.
Natasha has played for several years for various clubs - in two vastly different roles - she’s either a goalie or a striker. The goal is where her focus is, whether that’s protecting it, or trying to score for her team.
Her journey to Oasis began when she started playing football for her work team in local NGO Street Scape. As the only woman, she was selected to come to trails in Oasis for the African Cup. Oasis focuses on helping young adults who are homeless, or those who live in very difficult circumstances.
She has only recently come back to football after a 5-year break due to a hamstring injury but has recently been fighting to get fitter, so she is ready for the tournament.
On asked about what her hopes were, Natasha replied: “I want to play for the South African women’s team overseas and at the next Homeless World Cup!” She emphasised that these tournaments are a good experience, they allow everyone to feel good about themselves and meet people from all over the world.
Before Oasis, Natasha’s life was very different. She was homeless and struggling with drug addiction. Now she is feeling stronger than ever and is looking forward to celebrating a year being clean from drugs. She thanks her supervisors who have helped her stay on track and keep a positive attitude: “Every moment I get, I try to do my best!”
Natasha said the moment that helped change her life around was when she was found on the streets. She was encouraged to get in touch with her parents and visit home after having no contact with them for over a year. Streetscapes helped her family understand that she was getting back on track and had a future ahead of her.
Natasha is hoping the next African Cup will take place in Zimbabwe or Lesotho.
Find out more about Oasis - Reach for your Dreams - and their work supporting players like Natasha.
Words: Anna Craig
Images: Zoe Hopkins