Cities Ending Homelessness Conference, Seoul 25 Sept 2024

Join us in a constructive discussion about how to end global homelessness.

Cities Ending Homelessness is an initiative with an ambitious aim - to bring together policy makers, social innovators, those with lived experience and academics from across sectors to discuss how to end homelessness. We know the issues, what we need are concrete solutions. By sharing existing initiatives from across the world, we want cities to explore how these ideas could be applied and adapted to their city’s specific context and needs. 

Cities are where homelessness is most concentrated and where the greatest challenges arise - whether social, financial or political. Cities are where real-world innovations will be formed.  

There is no single reason for homelessness, there is no single solution, and no single city has all the answers – that’s why we need to work together.

25th September 2024

Homeless World CUP
Big Issue Korea

25 September 2024 (Wed) 10:00 -18:20

HIT (6F) Conference Room, Hanyang University, Seoul Campus (wheelchair accessible).

Simultaneous English and Korean Interpretation
Sign Language Interpretation

Conference sessions & speakers

The sessions are tailored to explore the issues and needs that are relevant to the host city, Seoul.


  • Min-Jung Shin (Vice-Chair, Seoul 2024 Homeless World Cup Organizing Committee).

  • Mel Young (President, Homeless World Cup Foundation).

  • Jae-Won Kim (Member of the National Assembly, Rebuilding Korea Party).

  • Ki-Jung Lee (President, Hanyang University).

  • Young-Soo Moon (Seller, Big Issue Korea).

Keynote Speeches

  • Jong-Kyun Seo (Housing Policy Researcher, C-dot & Former President, Korea Housing Management).

  • Rosanne Haggerty (President, Community Solutions).

Declaration of Ending Homelessness in Cities

  • Audience Activity

Housing for 'All'

  • Moderator: Min-Seok Jeong (Director, LGBTIQ Youth Support Center Ding Dong).

  • Jun-Hee Kim (Senior Researcher, Korea Center for City and Environment Research).

  • Mi-Ja Nam (Researcher, Gyeonggi-do Institute of Education).

  • Min-Soo Kim (Independent Researcher).

  • Soo-Kyung Hong (Senior Activist, Homeless Action).

  • Eric Tars (Senior Policy Director, National Homelessness Law Center, US).

  • Jae-Won Kim (Member of the National Assembly, Rebuilding Korea Party).

The Homeless World Cup and Creating Sustainable Change Through Sport

  • Moderator: Alex Richmond (Global Co-Lead, Ashoka Sport for Changemaking).

  • Mel Young (President, Homeless World Cup Foundation).

  • Byeong-Hoon An (Executive Director, Big Issue Korea).

  • Natalie Handley (Former HWC player, Team Wales).

  • Young-Soo Moon (Former HWC player, Team Korea).

How to Respond to Housing Rights in the Era of the Climate Crisis

  • Moderator: Yoo-Jin Lee (Director, Institute for Green Transformation).

  • Habara (Senior Researcher, Sustainable Development Management Center).

  • Kyung-Jin Lim (Senior Policy Specialist, Seongdong-gu Office).

  • Jae-Im (Activist, Korean People's Solidarity Against Poverty).

  • Smruti Jukur (Urban Development Practitioner, SPARC): ROOH (Roof Over Our Heads Campaign).

Reimagining Housing from the Perspective of Community and Care

  • Moderator: Duk-Young Lim (Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs).

  • Kyung-Ae Han (Senior Researcher, Seoul National University Asia Center).

  • Jeong-Hwa Seo (Director, Open Women's Center).

  • Eun-Joo Ko (Chairperson, Ulrim Dure Care Social Cooperative).

  • Juha Kahila (Head of International Affairs, Y-Säätiö).