Home Base
Home Base is a non-profit organisation, offering a different approach for rehabilitation treatments for people who are homeless. Using sports as a therapeutic tool, Home Base nurtures personal connections with the excluded homeless population.
Through active participation and the relationships formed within the teams – players are rehabilitated and reintroduced to society.
Together with their partners, they operate two men’s groups and one women’s group, with the goal of opening additional groups across Israel.
Once a year, they proudly represent Israel at the Homeless World Cup.
Country statistics
19 out of 189 in Human Development Index rating (UNDP, 2019)
$42,600 Average annual salary per person (World Bank, 2021)
number of people who are homeless doubled between 2018 and 2020 (OECD,2021)
Israel has a population of 8.78 million, including Golan Heights and East Jerusalem. 92.7% of the population live in urban areas. Located in the Middle East, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, it is between Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. The majority of the population is concentrated around the capital, Tel-Aviv, as well as the Sea of Galilee (CIA Factbook, 2018).
Income inequality and high housing and commodity prices continue to a concern for many Israelis, with Israel having some of the highest inequality and poverty rates among member countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (CIA Factbook, 2018).
The number of people who were homeless doubled between 2018 and 2020 from around 1,800 to nearly 3,500 people (OECD,2021)
In 2020 there were 10,000 new displacements caused by natural disaster, with a continued risk of future displacements from earthquakes, flood, and tsunami. In addition to that, in 2020 there were 3000 new displacements from conflict and violence (Internal Displacement, 2021).
stories from the region