Hanyang University, Seoul
21–28 September

The first Homeless World Cup to be hosted in Asia

 The Homeless World Cup is a football tournament with purpose. Our year-round work culminates in a world class event which has the power to change the lives of participants and shape attitudes towards this global issue, using the universal language of football.

A world without homelessness.
That’s the goal.

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It’s more than a film. It’s more than a game. It’s The Beautiful Game - inspired by the real Homeless World Cup.


Squad of 8
Rolling Subs
14 Minutes

The Homeless World Cup has its own unique format and rules. Our explainer film outlines why this is a tournament like no other.


Want to get better understanding of this global problem? We have collected the latest available statistics on the challenges faced by people around the world.

Ending Homelessness TOGETHER

We have a global network of 70 Member Countries.


From feeling Forgotten, to being Celebrated on a global stage

Our donations help to fund our tournament and our year-round work with our Global Members. We support them to develop and grow, so we can reach more people and continue to use sport to transform lives.